Libraries and Resources

dlrcLibrary Collections

School library programs in Burnaby enable students to become literate, independent, life-long learners.

°ÂÃÅ¿ª²Ê¿ª½±½á¹û has strong, vibrant library programs in all of its elementary and secondary schools. Teacher-librarians and teachers collaborate to plan and teach learning activities which draw on a variety of appropriate learning resources.

Burnaby’s school libraries, including the Burnaby Online School and Fraser Park Secondary, provide an array of materials in all formats to promote literacy development, to support the K-12 curricula, to offer recreational reading materials, and to provide resources for school projects and assignments.

On-line library catalogues provide access to print, media, and electronic resources in English, French and Mandarin. All Burnaby students and parents can access World Book Online from home and school – log in information is available from each school’s teacher-librarian.

Burnaby is also proud to house the Provincial Resource Collection for the B.C. School for the Deaf Outreach Program.

Visit the , then click on your child’s school to search the resources and databases available at that school.

District Learning Resources

Burnaby teachers and staff can borrow a variety of learning resources from the District Library Resource Centre (DLRC). The collection supports the K-12 curricula and provides resources for literacy development, specific subject areas, English Language Learners (ELL) instruction, Indigenous themes, the French Immersion program and professional learning books for teachers.

Resources include: book and hands-on kits, novel sets, DVDs, ADST resources (eg. robotics and woodworking tools), Music & P.E. equipment and lighting/sound equipment.

To see what is available visit the .

To book resources please book ONLINE from your School website following these user friendly instructions. CLICK HERE